Saturday, February 01, 2003


It's just another one of those days when
my heart swells as I see people enjoying their lives when
I catch someone's eye who I pass on the street
and we smile at each other when
I stop to think
and I realize that people are doing
what they were meant to be doing
which is just breathing and not worrying so much all the time.
They're laughing and smiling and hurting
all at the same time,
and I want to laugh and smile and cry
with them.
I fill my lungs with air, and
I feel like they will keep expanding
to breathe in the entire world
if I let them.
My self
to escape
through the top of my head,
and I feel dizzy and euphoric,
but I wait. It's not time. Not yet.

I know it sounds strange,
but I feel so much pride sometimes
for humanity.
I'm so proud of us all.
There are amazing people out there. And
There are amazing people in here.

It's amazing
what you can see
when you make yourself invisible:
Little secrets passed between people
Glances exchanged
so in tune
with one another
that the rest of the world doesn't matter
so in tune
with themselves,
who put all their effort towards creating
that they glow with the light of life itself.
(And I am invisible,
So I don't have to interrupt --
I can see it).

the sky has a strange red glow to it
I know it's just the electricity and pollution
messing up the world
but that's not all it is.
Still beauty
a sunset
a swansong
the autumn
dying in gloriousness.
The sky bleeds
a life force
sharing with the world
so that we can draw energy from its beauty
use such power to heal.

Tiny droplets
I didn't feel
until they started
dripping down my face
like how it might be
to go walking
in a cloud

It's like
the world and I
share a secret, and
like all children
who think they know
things that nobody else knows,
a smile creeps across my face,
and I can't make it go away.

Maybe if I smile
at strangers on the street
now, I can share
this little piece of pride
in humanity
with them.
Maybe I can push this
serenity and solace
from me.

For whatever reason
they always smile back.


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