Saturday, November 11, 2006

what is it about age?

In just a few weeks, that once-a-year day will pop on the calendar to remind me that another 365 day cycle has passed and that I should now identify as being of a different age. My intellectual brain registers this fact just fine, but the rest of me, not afraid of growing older, has a difficult time categorizing myself in a different age bracket. Why is it that when I'm sitting at a dinner table, having a great conversation with a man twice my age, feeling like the two of us are meeting on common ground and discussing pertinent subjects to us both (us both belonging to the same adult world thoughts of jobs and money and housing), why is it that I look across the table at the fifteen-year-old across the way and feel as though he's my peer? I feel like I'm an ageless soul residing in some body that still feels like a teenager body. I feel like i'm seen as a teenager (though I'm not), and I feel like I act like a teenager (though I don't). So I'm sitting there, looking out of eye sockets in an unfamiliar body, feeling not like people aren't seeing me or understanding me...feeling not like I'm screaming and no one is listening...just feeling strange. It's strange to be human. Now it strikes me that perhaps I was experiencing a reminder that we are spirits having a human experience in this lifetime, though not in a bad way. It's interesting, for sure, and certainly gave me reason to pause...

Actually, maybe this is more of the case that I don't want to grow up; I don't want to have to identify with the "adult world." Oh god, I don't want to be one of those old, old people who still think they're hip teenagers! Well, not that I've ever in my life considered myself "hip" or "a teenager," but still... Yikes.


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