Tuesday, November 26, 2002

electric uncertainty

Do you ever feel
like there's electricity running through you?
Like you could point at something
and have a bolt of lightening
out of your fingertip?
Aren't there days
when you understand
how and why people have
always believed in

Sunday, November 24, 2002

a floating kind of feeling

I'm standing in front of the mirror
and I realize that I don't recognize
myself in me.
I see myself sitting
on top of my head
looking down on me.

I thought my head felt
a little fuzzy today.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

tired arms

I left my windows open last night,
and now the scent of dryer sheets
and the oncoming winter
twirls about my room.

How could winter symbolize and signify death?
Things don't die in the winter.
They hibernate.
They bide their time
before the spring.
They bottle up their energy
so they can make it through the cold months.
And they stay sedentary.
But they certainly don't die.
Winter is a time to create your own warmth.
It's when the world stops providing heat and food
and trusts that you will do it on your own.
It's a time of life.
A time of sustaining life.
A time to reflect on the past year
and use your own thoughts and energy
to keep you going.
Perhaps that makes winter an independent time
but there's nothing wrong with that.
Maybe the winter helps you recognize
what you're really made of.

I'm tired.
Maybe I can step aside for a while
Let this wall stand on it's own.
Maybe I don't have to sit on top of it,
guarding it with my life.
Maybe I'm just as fine standing next to it,
claiming it as my baggage,
but not hiding behind it,
saying what you see is what you get.
Cause what you see isn't always what you get
And if it is,
Maybe it's time to put some new things on display.
The baggage gets tiring after a while.
It's tiring to lug it around everywhere.
Maybe I'll leave it in one spot for a time,
give my arms a rest for a while,
and come back later.
It doesn't need my constant attention.

Hell, it's strong enough on it's own.

Friday, November 01, 2002

there is an ecstasy in the journey

i have a plea in my heart
a thousand pleas
that come together to form
one overwhelming idea
and in that idea lies a need,
a great desire to live life
as i always thought it should
be lived.

and so i'll ask of the world
to stop this, but
continue that.
i'll ask for help
and guidence
and faith
and beauty.
i'll ask for fresh air to breathe
and love to make me get up each day.
i'll ask and ask
and need and want
and require and desire a
and ask some more.
But hopefully,
as I keep asking
the needs will subside
and maybe i'll stop.

well, maybe i won't.

but maybe i will.
i'll dream of the day
when i no longer have to
constantly think
about things
without ever truly expecting that
day to come.
i'll imagine the possibilities
and know they could be truths,
but that doesn't mean that the
possibilities will ever cease to exist.
i'll think of
all i can do and think
of all i can't do
but not be bound by either extreme.
i'll know that
no matter what i see,
there will always be more.
and i will always reach too high,
expecting not to reach
and maybe one day
i'll be surprised and i'll be
grasp everything
that was
beyond the top shelf.
but there'll be top shelves
beyond that one
that i never even contemplated before.

will there come a day
when the dreams will be enough?
when the outcome doesn't matter
as long as the
will and drive are there?

it is said that life is about unfulfilled desires
that there is an ecstasy in the journey.
life is the journey
and death is the fulfillment
of all dreams all desires
all wishes
all wants
all needs.
we live life wanting and needing
and we never get it all.
and maybe this isn't bad.
life is the journey and
not the destination
because once you
arrive at the
destination, what then?
enjoy it for all it is,
but the journey's over.
so we journey on.
going from one place
to the next and
thinking that
when we arrive
we'll get what we've been wanting
only to discover that our
wants have changed
by the time
we arrive.
but maybe we're happy as is
when we do arrive
because we realize what we DO have.
we realize that we're complete as is.
we have what we truly,
ultimately need
and nothing more.

there's an excitement
in the not-knowing what will come next.
it's in the journey.