glistening world
A waning moon vision of this crystallizing world
Obscures as my eyelashes red rover snow flakes
Inward, and I just glimpse
How the falling bits of whiteness driftingly brake
On branches and leaves, then
Cling to vinyl siding, and
Perch on the bird feeder.
The unbuzzing swarm tornadoes around me,
Dizzying my oneness with their multitude, while
One brave crystal approaches and joins itself to my shoulder
Neither melting to my body temperature
Nor remaining whole itself
It fuses on to me, and
While the cold north wind blows and
Sets all in motion,
My snowflake hesitates, I steady,
Rooted firmly to the wool of my coat,
Before deciding to leap
Back to the air behind me
Caught again in the whirling dervish
Of funnelling wind.
And just in that glorious airborne moment,
The gusts seem to slow, and
Air catches flakes,
Cradling them in cool, wavering fingertips
That push a pause button on time, inviting
Bright rays of light to
Shine through the icy bits
(Give us a glimpse of their radiance), and
Glitter the world with stardust in
Sparks of gold that glint
In our eyes,
Between us, and then return,
Reabsorbed into the sun.
We (The unmoved
too stolid to be pushed about by pesky winds
and forthright motions of nature)
are held at bay
In the same motionlessness that
Halts the bursts of breezes
And freezes the already frozen,
We stop and gaze,
By the magic of the world
For a moment. We stride on the gust,
Just above ground level,
Our impenetrable, thick-soled shoes
Holding back for just a second from
Compacting and crunching the
Tiny bits of wonder into
Still magical earth
Obscures as my eyelashes red rover snow flakes
Inward, and I just glimpse
How the falling bits of whiteness driftingly brake
On branches and leaves, then
Cling to vinyl siding, and
Perch on the bird feeder.
The unbuzzing swarm tornadoes around me,
Dizzying my oneness with their multitude, while
One brave crystal approaches and joins itself to my shoulder
Neither melting to my body temperature
Nor remaining whole itself
It fuses on to me, and
While the cold north wind blows and
Sets all in motion,
My snowflake hesitates, I steady,
Rooted firmly to the wool of my coat,
Before deciding to leap
Back to the air behind me
Caught again in the whirling dervish
Of funnelling wind.
And just in that glorious airborne moment,
The gusts seem to slow, and
Air catches flakes,
Cradling them in cool, wavering fingertips
That push a pause button on time, inviting
Bright rays of light to
Shine through the icy bits
(Give us a glimpse of their radiance), and
Glitter the world with stardust in
Sparks of gold that glint
In our eyes,
Between us, and then return,
Reabsorbed into the sun.
We (The unmoved
too stolid to be pushed about by pesky winds
and forthright motions of nature)
are held at bay
In the same motionlessness that
Halts the bursts of breezes
And freezes the already frozen,
We stop and gaze,
By the magic of the world
For a moment. We stride on the gust,
Just above ground level,
Our impenetrable, thick-soled shoes
Holding back for just a second from
Compacting and crunching the
Tiny bits of wonder into
Still magical earth